Beyond the Headline: Does Eating Organic Really Reduce Your Cancer Risk?

The latest nutrition headline to catch on with the media is how eating organic can reduce your risk of developing cancer by 25%. So let’s unpack this- does eating organic REALLY reduce your risk of developing cancer?

Years of research between organic and conventional foods have shown that the nutritional value is similar. Purchasing organic is a personal preference just as purchasing conventional is. Often, organic items are not affordable for consumers so headlines like this may unnecessarily make shoppers who purchase conventional feel as though they are increasing their, and their families, cancer risk by not purchasing organic. No consumer should be shamed for purchasing fruits and vegetables for their families whether they are conventional or organic.

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Stephanie HodgesComment
Seven Ways Schools Can Support Health & Wellness

It’s that time of year again where we blinked and summer is officially over. School buses are out and about and the school supplies aisles at Target are picked clean. In the back to school spirit, I have put together seven ways schools can support health and wellness:

1. Active lessons. Kids need to get up and move! As adults we can’t sit at our desk for hours on end and we shouldn’t expect kids to either. There are so many ways teachers can take a non-active assignment like a worksheet and turn it into an active lesson. Instead of a worksheet to learn subtraction, why not play a game of subtraction tag?! Sound like something you want to implement? Check out this fantastic resource of active lessons from Greater Richmond Fit4Kids.

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Stephanie HodgesComment

There are numerous ways to approach a healthy lifestyle when it comes to nourishment. Food is our fuel and without it, our body cannot function. As a dietitian, I've learned about so many eating patterns- yes, including those bizarre fad diets like the cabbage soup diet or the baby food diet (cringing as I type those), and what they really do to your body.

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